Hiring Managers select our client resumes over 98% of their competitors

Your resume has but one main purpose: To get you interviews so you can get hired. Period. You can purchase a resume that sounds good. But if it doesn't work, it isn't worth a dime. Our Certified Resume Writer and Personal Branding pioneer knows exactly what makes a resume work and what doesn't.

Though some say a resume cannot get one hired, our resume success rate proves otherwise. Our client resumes are so exceptional that hiring managers who view them more often than not have already decided our executive clients are so suitable for their positions that meeting with you just becomes the next step to offering you the position.

In fact, our resumes help position clients in the Top 2 Percent in their field of expertise. We craft interview-generating resumes for Executives in every industry with exceptional writing quality, professional design, and a high return on your investment…to get you hired.

Read about the 100 Components we include in every resume.

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Think about your ROI

Our resumes are so successful, they go beyond just getting your foot in the door. They are expertly crafted by an industry leader to showcase how well a fit you are for the position you seek by identifying, defining, and marketing your Personal Brand which compels hiring managers to seek you out over the competition.

We do this by determining all of your related assets, the benefits of those assets to an employer. your competitive edge over other jobseekers, the value proposition you bring to an employer, and your return on investment, and we include your matching achievements.

Our career management services help careerists land jobs more quickly, negotiate higher salaries than their counterparts, and significantly shorten their job search time. Some of our clients have actually doubled—even tripled—their previous salary.

Be sure to consider your salary potential in selecting a resume firm and determine what a high return on investment means to you. You can also potentially save thousands of dollars in lost income by getting hired more quickly.


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Senior Mortgage Officer

“Before the interview even started, the Hiring Manager told me, 'I can see from your resume you are management material, you're hired!'"
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  1. It usually isn’t the most qualified candidate who wins the job, but the one who has the best resume?
  2. If your resume doesn’t contain all related industry keywords, it may never be seen?
  3. You have 7 seconds to catch your readers’ attention or they will pass up your resume?
  4. You have 20 seconds to convince hiring managers they should continue to read?
  5. You have an unlimited amount of time if the reader is interested?
  6. Effective use of white (blank) space increases readability?
  7. The use of (even limited) color makes a marketing piece 70% more apt to be read.
  8. Your most important information should be contained in the top 1/3 of your resume to convince the hiring manager to read more.
  9. That 5 out of 7 hiring managers do not read cover letters because there is no “wow” factor. Conversely, a compelling cover letter can be a win without even reading the resume.
  10. That 98% of the general public prepares their resume incorrectly?
  11. To win interviews, your cover letter should convey all 5 elements of your Personal Brand? That is your: Assets / Features, Benefits, Competitive Edge, Value Proposition, and Return on Investment.
  12. Your Personal Brand must be backed up with matching achievements in your resume?
  13. Powerful copy is not enough…you must know how to target your prospective employers' needs and show them your value proposition to their company?
  14. Achievements are the most important part of your resume? 
  15. Your employment bullets must show the challenge, action, and results (CAR statements) of all of your efforts.
  16. An expertly strategized and crafted resume will increase your interview odds as well as your salary potential manyfold?
  17. Leaving these decisions in the hands of an underskilled resume writer may jeopardize your career and your resultant finances?

UDO SCHNEIDER Executive Chef
“I received my first interview in a week and six interviews with two job offers in a month with the resume Evelyn Salvador prepared!”
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  1. Does the resume site have an “About” or "Credentials" page that contains the name(s) and expertise of their writer(s)? If not, stay clear!
  2. Google the resume writer to find out what their online presence says about them. Do they have a positive online identity?
  3. Is the resume writer certified?
  4. How many years has the business been in practice?
  5. Are they members of well-known career organizations (such as NRWA, CDI, or PARW)?
  6. Do they keep their knowledge up to date by attending industry conferences, courses, and/or webinars?
  7. Are samples of their work provided?
  8. Is he/she/they an industry leader? That is, have they won any industry awards or published any career books, are they known speakers or often quoted authorities, are they a career innovator, or the like?
  9. Have they aired on television or the radio or have been quoted in the media?
  10. Do their prices seem low compared to others? [Know that this equates to the low value proposition you can expect to receive.]
  11. Does the site contain a contact phone number?
  12. Overall, do you feel totally confident they can help you land a position quickly?


How do you determine the value of an exemplary resume?
Consider the income you may lose over the course of perhaps several months or more. You could stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars without a well crafted resume!

Bank Vice President
"My Resume is more original and professional than other resumes … It has helped me get interviews and a new position quickly because it uses a very different and professional approach … Very well done!"
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Why Evelyn Salvador's Services Provide a High Return on Your Investment

You will receive a resume crafted by a dually certified global industry leader, personal branding pioneer, and published resume books author who has revolutionized the resume writing industry through her award-winning resume products developed for resume writers and jobseekers. She incorporates Personal Branding, design, and marketing strategy into each resume she writes. Below are reasons her resumes compel hiring managers to call:

1. TARGETED: Because hiring managers have a "what's in it for me?" mindset and select those candidates who come closest to their position requirements, only targeted resumes are successful. Every resume we write targets the exact position(s) you seek to exponentially increase your interview potential. 

2. PERSONAL BRANDING: As a pioneer of Personal Branding since 1992 (five years before the term was coined), Evelyn Salvador has incorporated her clients' unique brand depicting their assets, benefits, competitive edge, high value proposition, and return on investment in every resume she writes to position her clients in the top percentage of candidates in their field.

3. CRITICAL RESUME KEYWORDS: Evelyn wrote the largest resume keyword resource available anywhere (70,000+ Resume Keywords for All Professions). This mammoth resource includes the top keywords for absolutely every profession and position so your resume is screened in—not out—by applicant tracking systems (ATS). What that means to you is you can be assured all of the applicable critical keywords for your position will be included in your resume.

4. PROFESSION-SPECIFIC WORKSHEETS: Evelyn developed the Career Worksheets resume writers around the world use for their own clients. You will receive the worksheet specific to your career to garner all of your critical background information in order to craft an exemplary resume for you. They are easy to complete…just tab from question to question, check off options, and fill in the blanks.

5. TARGETED & ACHIEVEMENT-BASED: All resumes are targeted to your specific audience with a goal of hiring managers being able to visualize you performing the exact position for which you seek in their company…in an exemplary fashion. Since employers seek to fill job openings with applicants who come as close as possible to the job description, that’s what Evelyn does.

6. COMPELLING COPY: Every word is weighed in determining the impact of how it will be received in the minds of human resource professionals. Evelyn writes highly achievement-based resumes and targets them towards your profession. No resume leaves the office without each word being weighed to provide the most impact.

7. PROFESSIONAL GRAPHIC DESIGN: From the global leader in resume and web portfolio design, Evelyn’s professionally designed resumes compel hiring managers to read them over others and ultimately call clients for interviews significantly more often than their peers. In fact, she has created 400 outstanding resume designs from which to select.

8. EMPOWERMENT: Clients more often than not discover hidden achievements and abilities they didn’t realize they had. The resume and career coaching process help prepare you for the interview and increase your confidence level to land the job you want.

9. EVERY WORD IS STRATEGICALLY WEIGHED: No resume leaves our office without being finitely edited, re-edited, and scrutinized for use of the best possible marketing-savvy techniques and wordsmithing in every sentence.

10. THE RESULTS! What Evelyn is most pleased about is that many of her clients receive job offers much quicker and at a higher salary than they anticipated, providing a high ROI. On average, her resumes get exorbitantly more interviews than the norm by positioning job candidates in the top 2 percent in their area of expertise!

Pharmaceutical Vice President
“I received 30 interviews and 5 job offers in a 3-month period. Hiring managers have told me that my ‘Executive Resume Newsletter’ design is an excellent format.”
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